
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Journey of a Bridge

The title suggests about me making a travel to a bridge. But what it really means is to depict my  present mental state. Like there are many things that I want to do including (priority-wise) - CP CUBA HACK-A-BIT Hackathon WebD App Dev ML and Computer vision Book Reading Learning to Sing Gymming So many things and I also want to maintain a decent CGPA above 8+.  These things altogether sound so ridiculous. Still I want to do them and that too at the same time. So my mind is constantly travelling up and down the bridge of deciding and doing. Code Chef Long Challenges, DSA tutorials, WebD tutorials, Mid-Sems, etc. I know I won't be able to complete all of them but at least the things I am interested about will remain. I hope to share my future journey towards ACM ICPC and HACK-A-BIT.